Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wood Project Research

I took some time to do a bit of research towards a woodworking project. These photos are some of the best ideas that I found online.

I really enjoy the look of the handle of this box.  I also enjoy the use of lighter woods to contrast the rest of the box.

I also feel the sliding drawer gives a nice additional use for a box.

This sliding box represents an idea that I felt would be a nice way for it to open.

One aspect that was really stumping me, with regards to box design, was how I could hinge a box idea.

One idea could be to build a simple wooden hinge.

This idea might be challenging and a useful solution for
 potential design conceptions.

Lastly, this curved box concept is really compelling. It seems like it would be more complex than it seems.

Maybe I can use a combination from a few of these ideas into my own project.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photos. You need to keep the design fairly simple because of the time frame.
